
808nm半导体激光均匀作用于皮肤 升级宽大导光探头能进行大面积脱毛 快速出光,迅速脱毛

TEC + 蓝宝石冰点制冷
不损伤周边组织 真正做到急速、冰点、 零触感无痛脱毛

合理调节激光波长能量和脉宽 使光能穿透到毛发的根部毛囊被吸收 并转化为破坏毛囊组织的热能

精心设计的激光脉冲可直接进入真皮内 被毛发和毛囊中的黑色素颗粒吸收产生光热效应, 将毛囊和毛干彻底破坏达到
快速 . 安全 . 舒适





Most people with lighter skin should feel no pain as they will under-go hair removal with the 808nm Diode Laser Semi Permanent Hair Reduction. It is considered the latest and most pain free form of hair removal. Other people describe the feeling similar to a pinch of a rubber band. Most clients express the sensation as very tolerable.
Hair grows in continuous cycles. The anagen or growth phase of hair contains the largest amounts of melanin and this phase is the laser’s target. From scientific studies we understand that any area contains an average of 20% of anagen hairs at one time, thus, these anagen hairs are affected each treatment. Most clients will require a minimum of 6 treatments. Finer hair and clients with darker skin, may require 6-10 treatments. If you suffer from a hormone imbalance your treatments may be ongoing. To have effective treatments it is imperative that they be sequenced appropriately.
The Diode 808 Laser is the gold standard in Permanent Hair Removal and is suitable on all pigmented hair and skin types-including tanned skin. For darker skin types appropriate fluencies (energy levels) are generally lower and appropriate pulse widths (duration of exposure) are generally longer addition with the cooling touch system to prevent damage to the epidermis.
Pay attention to sun protection one month before treatment; do not do epilation, hair removal cream or electrolytic hair removal for two weeks before treatment.Avoid chemical or mechanical stimulation
for two days before and after treatment.Two weeks before and after treatment, interventions such as fillers or other injections are prohibite.
The US Food and Drug Administration has made a statement that laser hair removal uses “non-ionizing radiation”, means radiation that does not cause ionization. The light energy carried by lasers actually
only reaches the surface of the skin and is difficult to enter the human body. Such lasers will not cause DNA damage or cause DNA mutations. The light pulses used in laser hair removal are designed to qenerate heat to destroy hair follicle cells. Although some women are concerned about the impact of hair removal near the reproductive organs, experts
say the technique does not pose additional risks. The light used for laser hair removal does not penetrate the hair follicle cells, and the organs in the body of the individual undergoing this operation are not
affected in any way. For the time being, no research has shown that the light used in laser hair removal can cause cancer.