东方传统启发的时尚美 全方位调理脸部循环
焕活蜡黄肌 . 提亮粉嫩肤色
改善眼周暗沉 . 焕亮眼周 软化筋结组织使其恢复正常 . 自行修复


疏通经络 消除水肿

让肌肤由内而外的 净 透 白




让肌肤由内而外的 净 透 白
疏通经络 消除水肿
DERMIQUE Energizing Brush
- 82个圆点
- 结合间隔式淋巴按摩
- 卓效刺激脸部穴道和筋膜肌肉
- 多维度紧致提拉轮廓

Most people now have sensitive skin, making it a major modern day skin concern. We’ve all heard of sensitive skin, but what exactly is it? If you experience unpleasant sensations – pulling, prickling, burning or stinging – in response to factors such as temperature changes, wind, UV, hard water or harsh products, in the absence of a visible rash, you probably have sensitive skin. If you have redness or rashes, you are more likely to have reactive or allergic skin. Essential Oil Detox Sculpture Facial Treatment is suitable for major skin types, we highly advise all customers to go through a proper skin analysis and consultation with our well-trained skin expert before the treatment.
The length of time depends on the skin problem and the area that is being treated, but typically expect the procedure to take approximately 2 – 2.5 hours where it includes consultation, skin assessment and treatment procedure.
Facials can be a great way to relax and pamper yourself during pregnancy. We will avoid using essential oil on expecting mothers skin and replace it with nourishing massage cream.
Please head to whatsapp link to make an appointment.
As a first-time DERMIQUE customer, you are entitled to only ONE (1) First Trial Promo across all treatments and all outlets.
We only offer ONE (1) First Trial promo to customers. Bear in mind that we will not offer further First Trial Promo to you if our system detects your name and identity number during registration. You may still enjoy our other facial treatments.